Hi I’m Amber! I am the heart & soul behind all that you see here. I am a mama to two beautiful daughters, and a wife to a wild outdoorsman. 
I am the wild crafter, the maker, designer, researcher, customer service, and so much more for this brand that is ever growing and always evolving alongside me.
I started Lucid Lavender with the desire to bring myself and my family back to our roots when it comes to what we’re putting on our skin and using in our home, and that has only expanded into every part of our life. Going back to our roots means taking back our freedom, our creativity, and our passion for this life. From making clean and intentional skin care products, baking our own bread, harvesting our own meat, to creating our own textiles with what this earth provides. I hope that in some way, big or small, Lucid Lavender can inspire you the way that it has, and continues to, inspire me.
Thank you for being here.