My winter skin care routine

My winter skin care routine

I would like to say that I wash my face and do this exact routine every day, and you know what, maybe some day I will! But for now, I am a mother of two, a wife and home maker, a homeschool teacher, a small business owner, and outdoors enthusiast, that can’t find the time to get half of it done most days. 

When my day is aligned, and I wake up just feelin’ it, this is my go to skin care routine, this is what makes me, my face, and my soul feel revitalized and beautiful.



I always start with a good thorough cleanse. I live a dirty life, my daughter is a swamp monster, my husband is a wild beast, the baby is always sticky and wet and none of us bathe as often as we should, lets face it. That’s just the reality of my life, and the reality of living off grid.

SO, cleansing! Sarting off with a wet face, I get about a nickel sized amount of the earthy green Radiance cleansing oil in my palm and rub it vigorously between my hands before applying to my face. I then disperse it evenly onto my cheeks, forehead, nose, jaw line, sometimes my neck if I want to, all over! I like to really get into it and massage the wet oil deeply into every bit if my face. I’ll often take this as a time to really feel my skin and notice anything new or different, as well as my facial muscles. If I feel it starting to dry out before I’ve reached a good cleanse, I’ll add more water or a few sprays of hydrosol. Once I feel like I’ve gotten the cleanse I want, I will gently wipe the oil away with a warm damp cloth. Washing away, gently, with water and a cloth is great too, I just don’t always have access to running water. Gently is key here! One of the beauties about oil cleansing is that it keeps your skin in its natural balance instead of stripping it of all of its natural processes.


In winter and in summer I always start with a hydrosol immediately after cleansing. I do not want to give my skin a chance to get dry, this not only increases the chance of acne flare ups, it doesn’t feel good. Hydrosol carries a huge boost of hydration, offers a toxic-preservative free moisturizer, and carries the aromatic compounds and medicinal qualities of the plant that is being used. My favorite hydrosols are Lavender and Wild Mint, both I have available year round, (in small batches) distilled with local botanicals. In the winter, I tend to lean towards lavender, unless my face is feeling hot and inflamed, or if my intuition is leading me, I’ll go with mint or another botanical if I have it on hand. I love to use a lot of hydrosol, I don’t think that you can use too much!

& last, SEAL IT IN

While my skin is still good and wet from that crazy amount of hydrosol I just sprayed on it, I’ll add my Minimalist “all over” balm that has a tallow base. (If you haven’t tried tallow yet and are a bit skeptical, check out my blog post of the history and the benefits of tallow in skin care!) It’s super important to add an oil or balm while your skin is still damp, because the oils, fats, and waxes will seal in the delicious moisture from the hydrosol and keep your skin from getting dehydrated. This is also an important step to keep your skin from being left with a overly greasy and oily feeling and look! The fresh water and oil combination creates a new thing entirely and sets on your skin better that each one would do independently. I prefer to use a thicker product like Minimalist, vs a simple oil, in the winter because I feel like it nourishes and protects my skin better in the cold and dry months.


Disclaimer; I am not an esthetician, I do not have any particular skin needs, and I am a huge minimalist with my skin care. This routine is simply what works for me, what makes my face feel good, take what you’d like from this information.

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